Wednesday 25 May 2011


in koleq, each of the 5 years, i learnt 'something'. that something, which i realized as the foundation of great students, could make us a different people compared to other people. but, if we can't mastered all the element, it means nothing. 

2003 : 'unity is strength'. everyday, at 7am, we have a roll-call. we only have 3minutes to gather and the late comers will get punished. '3mins and 3secs'. that was the rule for the freshmen. when the prefects asked us to gather, we've only 3mins to gather but if we failed to do that, we'll get punished altogether. the '3secs' means we have to response when the prefects asked us in that duration. 

2004 : 'stand'. during this year, the prefects tested our stand in everything. sometimes, we did not realized they are testing us and one little mistake, we are doomed. its hard to explain this term actually.

2005 : 'pride'. we have to show, we have to prove that our batch are the best juniors in koleq. we are compulsory to set an example for our little juniors. this year, we have to maintain our best attitude in order to protect our batch's pride. once we spoiled, our batch will get underestimated by the seniors and also the teachers. later on, the prefects will do the rest (punishment).

2006 : 'unity-stand-pride'. we have to mastered all of the terms in this year in order to be the super-senior in koleq. the prefects no longer guide us this year and we are on our own.

2007 : 'brotherhood lasts forever'. no explanation because we are now brothers and nothing will get us separated (special exception to death).

Saturday 7 May 2011

this love this hate.

life. it is all about it. sometimes happy, and sometimes you are not. it's a normal thing to us. 

i started to felt something weird about myself and i think, the best way, is to keep it in my heart.  never let your anger control your mind. 'cause any unwanted/unappropriated actions, behaviors can automatically triggered the anger button and at the end, started to lose control.

" remember me, remember what i taught and perhaps, one day, you'll become strong

Thursday 5 May 2011


was late to the class today. maybe 3.00am wasn't a good decision to sleep and wake around 8.30am. staying up late was effective to me in order to understand and memorizing my academia. i should plan back my routine and perhaps, it would be better afterwards. 

hate of being too late (just late is better lah, not 'too late'), but famous quotes said that, better late than never. 

i can take that saying as my self-philosophy.

a day with animals.

it was 2 weeks ago and it wasn't my plan after all. that was her plan. i don't think it was a good idea at the first place but seeing her begging at me to go there, by hook or by crook, i had to fulfill her wish 'cause that was my responsible to do that. at the same time, i can be with her a little bit longer and i knew after this moment, it's hard to see her. 

cute face. love this.

see. she loved raccoon! and so do i.

that raccoon was so cute. but still can't challenged my dung dung. hehe. sayang, awak lagi cute daripada rakun tuh tau!. 

looked like a zoo keeper to me. so sad. 

that crazy raccoon. i paid to see the normal one, but..
this is what we called, blur +

my dung dung posed same like the ape above her. i tried that too but sadly, i can't copycat-ed that ape.
only she can do it. 

actually, there was a lot of pictures but i think, it wasn't necessary to show it all.

that's all.